International Working Groups (IWG)
The International Working Groups (IWGs) are formed by experts from various fields, including animal and human health, environment, climate and biodiversity. Within thematic groups, they share their knowledge and practices and produce operational recommendations on sustainable health.
International Working Group themes
The OSH Forum launched a first round of 6 International Working Groups (IWGs) July 7th, 2021, during a live broadcast from Euronews in Lyon. Their recommendations were discussed during 4 International Sessions organised in June 2023 in Bangladesh, Lebanon, Senegal and Brazil and subsequently at the 1st OSH for All Conference in Lyon from July 5th to 7th , 2023.
The recommendations from the 6 IWGs, that worked together over the period 2021-2023, were consolidated in the “OSH Declaration” and published in December 2023 in English and in February 2024 in French.
The new themes for the period 2024-2026 are :
- Environmental health and sustainability (IWG1)
- Sustainable food systems (IWG2)
- One Health&Urban settings (IWG3)
- Equitable health services (IWG4)
- Financing for One Sustainable Health (IWG5)
- Governance and Policy (IWG6)
- Education and Communication (IWG7)
- One Health Next Generation (IWG8)
- One Health in Humanitarian Settings (IWG9)
Functioning of the Working Groups
A coordinator will be appointed among the experts in each IWG to act as a link with the general coordination provided by the One Sustainable Health for All Foundation. The coordinator will be responsible for recording in writing the ideas and proposals discussed, proofreading and validating the meeting minutes and contacting the people to be interviewed by the IWGs. He or she also proposes the frequency of IWG meetings in consultation with the co-chairs.
Each IWG may be supplemented by hearings with leading figures and experts, the summaries of which will be posted online for the benefit of as many people as possible.
IWG’s may invite contributors to share their knowledge and experience on an ad hoc or limited time basis. Each IWG determines the key individuals to be interviewed and how contributors will participate.
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Experts interested in becoming a member of an IWG should submit their application to the IWG co-presidency which, if validated, refers to the Scientific Council, responsible for the overall coherence of the IWGs.
An OSH Forum Member Organisation appoints a representative to attend meetings of the “Member Organisations Committee “. The organisation may also have one or two experts who are members of an IWG, bearing in mind that they are invited to share their knowledge and practice, primarily in an individual capacity.
Each IWG may have followers, i.e. people who are interested in the advancement of an IWG but do not have the desire or ability to be an expert member. Followers receive IWG news and are invited to OSH Forum events. Followers may contribute indirectly to the IWG by sharing useful information (posts, etc.).
The co-chairs and coordinators of the IWGs meet twice a year with the Scientific Council to share progress, ensure overall coherence and establish priorities.